The Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross, Celebrated at Holy Cross Church, Cordel
Mangaluru: On the occasion of completing 150 years of Holy Cross Church, Cordel, a Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated by Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese Msgr. Fr. Maxim Noronha, accompanied by Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes (Parish Priest), Rev. Fr. Ivan Cordeiro, and Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza (Asst. Parish Priests), with the Parish Pastoral Council Members, Guest Priests and Sisters, and the Parishioners attending the Holy Mass in large numbers. Msgr. Fr. Maxim Noronha preached the Word of God and wished the faithful many blessings of the Holy Cross.
The Holy Mass was followed by a felicitation program for the Founders, Benefactors, Past Vice Presidents, and Secretaries of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Gurkars. A total of 206 people were felicitated for their selfless service in the growth of Holy Cross Church, Cordel. Msgr. Fr. Maxim Noronha, in his address, thanked the people who have rendered their service and are continuing to do so. He wished the gathering many more blessings and said that Holy Cross Church may become a pilgrim center for the people of Mangalore and the surrounding areas. Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes thanked everyone for making the day so special and the celebration so successful.
The program was attended and inaugurated by Msgr. Fr. Maxim Noronha, Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore, Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes, Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Ivan Cordeiro, and Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza (Asst. Parish Priests), Mrs. Ruth Castelino, Vice President (Parish Pastoral Council), Mr. Anil D’Sa, Secretary (Parish Pastoral Council), Mr. Dolphy D’Souza, Co-Ordinator (21 Commissions), and the Founders, Benefactors, Past Vice Presidents, and Secretaries of the Parish Pastoral Council, and the Gurkars. Mrs. Ruth Castelino welcomed the gathering. Ms. Renita Aranha compered the program, and Mr. Anil D’Sa rendered the vote of thanks.
The program ended with a fellowship dinner.
-Media Release