Nursing Graduation Ceremony 2021 held at Father Muller’s
Mangaluru: The Father Muller School & College of Nursing, units of Father Muller Charitable Institutions celebrated graduation day on 27, Feb 2021 for the outgoing batches of GNM, B.Sc, PB B.Sc and M.Sc Nursing in Father Muller Convocation Centre honoured by Shri Shivanand Kapashi, IAS, Registrar, RGUHS, Bengaluru as the Chief Guest and presided over by His Lordship Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore and President of the Father Muller Charitable Institutions.
The graduand march was led by the college band playing to the tunes of congratulation and praises to God guiding them to the Father Muller Convention Center. The dignitaries were offered the traditional Poorna Kumbam as a sign of respect.

Welcome speech was delivered by the Director Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho who eloquently essayed warm greetings to the dignitaries and the audience. Giving an advice to the graduand he concluded by saying “not to conquer and compete but to be the angels of the world by healing and comforting”.
The college and school report was presented by the Principal Rev Sr Jacintha D Souza. She also enumerated the achievements of the faculty and students in research and the numerous grants that they received.
There was a moment that really added charm to the atmosphere with a sense of achievement with the graduand receiving the certificates from the Chief Guest and partaking in the oath to serve and protect their profession. Tassels turned to right, the graduates were born.
Shri Shivanand Kapashi in his address spoke on the infrastructural marvel that the FMCI has put in place with a proactive management with an open and hospitable approach. He lauded the students for being a part of such magnanimous institution whose founder’s vision is ever so reverbs by the quality of education this institution provides to not only the state but across borders. Nursing education is selfless, noble, and largest in the occupational category, first to introduce aseptic approach and community healthcare. Nurses are expected to be team players and role models to the society and during the pandemic this was seen. He enumerated the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences achievements and adherence to the academic calendar and requested the graduates to join the RGUHS alumni online portal also advising the ‘healing touch of the caring heart’ is what a nurse in form should be.

Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha quotes in honour of the nursing graduates Ross William, “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do in spite of all we go through is to be a nurse”. Nurses have their hands busy with the emerging chronic diseases, which needs more care. The world noticed nursing services as being vital during the pandemic. Warriors not only of the corona pandemic but also be warriors to fight the evils of suffering, though which cannot be abolished but can be reduced. Nurses he likened their white nursing attire to truth, apron to righteousness, shoes to readiness, face mask to a calming smile and ointment to compassion. He reminded all, that the greatest teacher is ‘Suffering’, which only teaches life’s best teachings. Use effective methods of personal contact/communication to heal hearts, duties are not big or small but a sense of devotion, spreading the resonance of the institution needed no advertisement but the graduates and alumni alone. Lastly ‘we recognize the nurses with their white aprons that signify one uniform standard, one language of healing and one in compassion and love. Ending with a quote from Mother Teresa he said, God does not require that we be successful but we be faithful.
In the graduate response, Ms Nikitha Lavia Dsouza remembered her stay in the campus and said how the institution has moulded her for the better growth. She said efforts of teachers, peer teaching, ample teaching and learning resources, integration of theory and practice, inter professional education modalities have helped them to achieve pinnacles.

The best outgoing students as well as students who have excelled in various academic and extracurricular activities were awarded and blessed during the occasion. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Devina E Rodrigues, Vice Principal. 260 graduates with their parents attended the ceremony to celebrate their success which had the graduates from both batches of 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Fr Ravi Rudolph D’Sa (Admin, FMMCH); Fr Ajith B Menezes (Admin FMMC); Sr Janet D’Souza (CNO); Mrs Jasmine Saritha Vas (Principal FMSON) were also present of the dais. Members of the Management committee, Governing Board, Faculty, Staff, Students and guardians were present. The event was beautifully compered by Mrs Priya Pereira (FMCON) and Mrs Vidya Mohan (FMSON).
Photos by: Stanley Bantwal