Newly Elected Superior General Sr Nirmalini visits A.C Karnataka Province
Mangaluru: The rich Karnataka cultural welcome with gombe’s, gali kudure’s, karaga’s, damas umbrella’s, garlands and Mysore peta was accorded to Sr Nirmalini at the entrance gate of the Mother House, St Ann’s Convent on August 19th while the sisters lined up along the way to the Chapel. The Provincial Superior along with her team headed the procession.
The Eucharistic celebration was made meaningful for the occasion by Rev Fr Dionysius Vas S.J, rector of St Aloysius College. In his homily he brought out powerfully the qualities of the good shepherd and applied it to the present situation of Covid-19 pandemic and N.E.P. The St Ann’s and Ashaniketan choir, the liturgy by the sisters of Bal Yesu, Veronica Vihar and Vijaymari highlighted the theme – loyalty and service of each sister supporting the Superior General’s dream and vision for the Apostolic Carmel.
At the end, Te Deum was sung as the sisters vowed their love, loyalty and obedience to the God’s elect Sr Nirmalini. After the refreshment, the felicitation programme was held at St Ann’s College of Education Hall. The welcome dance sounded our tulunadu and konkani culture. The Provincial Superior Sr Shamita A C in her words of welcome brought out the sanctity of the pioneering sisters trained by our foundress Venerable Mother Veronica striking the emotions of everyone’s heart. The choir resounded the warmth of the welcome in their rich resonating voices and smiles beaming on their faces. The history was presented in the footprints of the Superior’s General from Mother Marie Des Anges to Sr Susheela who handed over the mantle to Sr Nirmalini on July 20, 2020 at Bangalore. The tableau “The Foot” unfolded the challenges involved in today’s society directing the Congregation towards newer paths.
The crook decorated beautifully with flowers was presented to the Superior General as a mark of strength and support from Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to visualize her dreams for the Congregation. Sr Agatha Mary A C, the former superior general covered Sr Nirmalini with a shawl, Srs Olivia, Carmel Rita and Lydia offered her a garland of jasmines, fruits and a basket of flowers.
The Superior General expressed her feelings of her connectivity of the events of the programme with the events of God speaking to His people in the Bible. Sr Premal A.C proposed the vote of thanks and Sr Rose Agnes A.C compeered the programme. The celebration ended with homely interaction with each other at lunch.

Prior to this day, Sr Nirmalini paid a visit to Rt Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore and sought his blessings. She also spent some time with the sisters of the Cloistered Carmel who lived at St Ann’s at the pioneering stage.
The Superior General Sr Nirmalini will be in Mangalore for a few days, visiting the convents and interacting with the sisters.
Photos by: Stanley Bantwal