National level preliminary workshop on Fabrication of Glassware organized at St Agnes College (Autonomous)
Mangaluru: “If you treat glass right, it doesn’t crack. If you know the properties, you can make things right.” The Department of Chemistry, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangalore organized a one day National level preliminary workshop on “Fabrication of Glassware” on 5th March 2020.
Glassware has become the part and parcel of practical chemistry in academics and research. Any practical study requires appropriate and specialized glass apparatus. Fabricating the necessary glassware is an art. It is important to create awareness and impart hands on experience of this technique both as a skill and art among the teachers and students of chemistry.
Mr. S Murughan, Chief guest and Dr Sr M Jeswina A.C, Principal inaugurated the workshop. Sr Roopa Rodrigues the Convenor, Dr Geetha Nazareth, Dr B S Saraswathi were the other dignitaries who graced the occasion. Mr. Murughan introduced to the audience the art of fabricating glassware and its scope. Dr Sr M Jeswina A.C delivered her presidential address. Dr. Ita D’ Souza compered the inaugural.
After the inaugural, students were exposed to demonstrations on fabrication of different glasswares by Mr A Rajendran, Mr Alaghesan and Mr Murughan. They were introduced to the techniques such as glass cutting, drawing of glass and glass blowing. The participants got the opportunity to try out various glassware fabrications. After which an interactive session was held which helped the participants to clear their queries.
Dr. Jayantha H former HOD of chemistry was the chief guest for the valedictory. The winners of the exhibition cum model making competition held to celebrate 150 years of Periodic Table were felicitated by Mr A Rajendran, Mr Alaghesan and Mr Murughan. Ms Reshal Rodrigues of III BSc compered the program.