Lourdes Central School organizes Science Exhibition ‘EXPLORING THE WORLD OF SCIENCE’
Mangaluru: Lourdes Central School organized Science Exhibition for classes III to X on 16th December 2021 in their respective classrooms. The main aim of the exhibition was to explore and encourage scientific talent and creative thinking among children and to develop an understanding about the role of science and technology to meet the needs of the society.
The following topics were given to:
Class III: Germination of Seeds
Class IV: Deep Sea Creatures
Class V: Human Body
Class VI: Fun with Science
Class VII: Simple Machines
Class VIII: Renewable Energy
Class IX: About Scientists
Class X: About Scientists

The students made models, experiments and project work from low cost eco-friendly products and waste material. The exhibition opened the eyes of children towards the fact that technology is making it a better place for them. The students showcased their science projects and the Principal was personally present there to give them positive feedback and motivate them to do better. Some of the students made working models of hand sanitizer dispenser, water dispenser machine, wind mill, solar energy, air conditioner and many more. It was an amazing experience that improved their knowledge and skills. Best exhibits from each section were awarded certificates.