Lourdes Central School LCS MATH WEEK 2021
Mangaluru: Children are the flowers of life and they have a special way of adding joy to our everyday. It is a wonderful sight to see little Kindergarten blooming in the beautiful garden called Lourdes Central School.
Learning through activities is more fun and it’s quite interesting for them. So in connection with LCS Math week 2021, the Math department organized “Fun with shapes” activity for Kindergarten. Children actively participated and enjoyed doing different models with shapes using colourful papers, sticks, buttons, crayons etc, and with lot of excitement they brought their finished product to school and happily displayed it in their respective class rooms.

Dreaming is something which we all do. Children dream in their childhood days trying to imitate and keeping a role model in their eyes of becoming someone great when they grew up. Lourdes Central School organized a week long activities for the children from KG 1 – Class XII in connection to the children day celebration. Kindergarten children were given the fancy dress under the caption “what you aspire to be” . A big number of children participated in this activity.
The winners of “what you aspire to be” and “Fun with shapes” were felicitated by Principal Rev Fr Robert D Souza during the prize distribution held on 01-12-2021. Principal appreciated and praised the little ones for their active participation in both the activities.
As a motivation and an encouragement all the participants were awarded with E- certificates.