‘International Yoga Day’ celebrated St Agnes PU College
Mangaluru: “Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility & joy” – B.K.S Iyengar
Yoga is an ancient and complex practice rooted in Indian philosophy. It promotes physical and mental well-being.
International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21st to spread awareness on the benefits of yoga and meditation worldwide. This year the theme of yoga day is ‘Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ that is yoga for the welfare of all in the form of ‘One world – One family’. It emphasises the spirit of yoga which unites and takes everyone along.
To mark this day the students of St Agnes PU College performed yoga in the college auditorium under the guidance of Physical Director Mrs Jayashree and Mrs Chaithanya, Lecturer in Physics. As the students performed asanas and pranayama Mrs Chaithanya emphasized the importance of proper alignment, breathing techniques and mindfulness. She highlighted the numerous benefits of Yoga. These include improved flexibility, strength and body balance as well as reduced stress, anxiety and improved concentration.
The students participated enthusiastically while Shravya, Riona and Viona guided their fellowmates in performing various asanas. At the end, the students expressed their gratitude for providing an opportunity to come together, learn and experience the benefits of yoga firsthand.
This event was witnessed by the Principal Sr Norine DSouza, Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira, teaching faculty and the support staff.