International Yoga Day 2022 observed at St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru
Mangaluru: Post Graduate Department of Psychology and Clinical Psychology, Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru observed International Yoga Day on the 21 June 2022. The event was held in collaboration with Decathlon and Yoga Chetana which took place in the old Auditorium Block. The event was attended by a total of 150 participants comprising of both students and staff from various departments. The yoga session was conducted by Mr Ajithkumar and Mrs Chethana Ajithkumar, Directors of Yoga Chetana, College of Yoga and Research.
The day’s celebration was initiated by singing a sloka invoking the blessing of the almighty for the day which was followed by a brief inauguration.S r Dr Venissa A.C- Principal, St Agnes College addressed the gathering at the occasion and spoke about the importance of Yoga for the body and mind. She highlighted the benefits of yoga for inner peace, tranquility along with the physical benefits it entails. Post inaugural, a 45- minute yoga session in accordance to the International Yoga Day Yoga protocol proposed by the Ministry of AYUSH was carried out. After this, the participants were introduced to the theoretical aspects of yogic science by Mrs Chethana Ajithakumar.

The session began with loosening practices, which was followed by various yoga postures and ended with the practice of pranayama. Dr Vinora A.C.- Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Ms Preethika- Decathlon Coordinator and Mr Ajithkumar and Mrs Chetana Ajithkumar directors of Yoga Chetana; Mrs Deepa Kotari- Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology and Coordinator of the event; and Dr V. Premanand- Head of the Department of Psychology were present on stage. Ms Ranjitha, a first -year student pursuing her masters in Psychology proposed the vote of thanks. The MC for the event was Ms Varshini, a first- year student of Clinical Psychology.