Human Trafficking Institute invites Harold D’Souza as key note speaker

USA: The Human Trafficking Institute invited eloquent speaker Harold D’Souza, President of Eyes Open International on August 20, 2020 to address Douglas Fellows third year law students.
Marie Israelite, Director of Victim Services at the Human Trafficking Institute is highly inspired by Harold D’Souza experience, expertise, and empathy to combat human trafficking globally. Marie believes in engaging “Survivors” to create an immortal impact of humanity on our new generation to end modern day slavery.
“The Human Trafficking Institute exists to decimate modern slavery at its source by empowering police and prosecutors to stop traffickers. Working inside criminal justice systems, the Institute provides the embedded experts, world-class training, investigative resources, and evidence-based research necessary to free victims” is the mission statement of Victor Boutros, Chief Executive Officer of the Human Trafficking Institute, which he helped to co-found.

“Students are our strength. The young generation thinks outside the box, acts on their instant instinct with passion. Engaging, educating, encouraging, and empowering students is the key to overcome stigma, struggle, and slavery in this digital world” spoke Harold D’Souza Former member on U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, appointed by President Barack Obama and President Trump from 2015 to 2020.

“Inspired by Frederick Douglass’s commitment to freedom, education, and advocacy, the Human Trafficking Institute provides an opportunity for law students chosen through a competitive process to participate in a nine-month fellowship program focused on developing future leaders in the anti-human trafficking movement and providing resources to those currently combating human trafficking around the globe” spoke Marie, Director of Victim Services.

Harold D’Souza a native of Bajpe, Mangalore is the Co-Founder of Eyes Open International (EOI) a non-profit focused on prevention, education, protection, and empowerment of community members globally.
EOI has appointed Hriday Raval, Regional Director-India, Viona Dixon, Regional-Director, Canada, Vihasi Gandhi, Regional-Director, USA, Desma D’Souza, Global Outreach Director, Dubai, and Emil Barr, Vice President Global Communication based in USA. EOI will be in Nepal, Mexico, Pakistan, and Guatemala by the end of 2020. If you or anyone you suspect is victim of sex or labor trafficking please call 1-888-373-7888 in USA, Canada call 1-833-900-1010 and in India call +91-799-026-2632.
Media Release