Corporator Mrs Sangeetha felicitated during the International Women’s Day celebration at Mount Carmel Central School
“A woman is born with the power to save and love, her existence is based on the truthfulness in her eyes”. 8th March is celebrated as the “International Women’s Day” all over the world. It is a day to reflect on women across the world who contribute to social, economic, cultural and political achievements. Mount Carmel Central School celebrated this great occasion on March 7, 2020. The students of class V hosted the celebration. Ms. Sangeetha R Nayak, the local Corporator was the Chief Guest.
The programme began with the invocation seeking God’s blessings. The students welcomed the gathering through the rhythmatic beat of their graceful steps and there after Kimberly and Pranav welcomed the gathering through their words of warmth and appreciation. The significance of the day was presented very meaningfully highlighting the importance of women’s education through an expression dance.
The Corporator Mrs Sangeetha R Nayak was felicitated on her being elected as the Corporator for Pacchanady ward in 2019, with the usual Indian tradition of shawl, garland and fruits. Ms. Shaswathi, the lecturer in Mathematics while introducing the chief guest to all gathered, enumerated the leadership qualities and achievements of Mrs Nayak and wished her well in her new responsibility as the Corporator of Pacchanady ward. She, as a young vibrant leader, has created public awareness through her involvement in various social activities.
Mrs Sangeetha, in her address appreciated the students for the meaningful programme and urged the audience to love and appreciate women, especially the mothers and also to treat men and women alike.
The students presented women with fame and their plea for equality through a Kawwali. A dance depicting the power of women in every field was magnificent which was followed by a kannada song, praising the achievements of women in different fields. The flame of love, compassion, responsibility, devotion, commitment and sacrifice in women was lit in the hearts of the audience as they paid tribute to all women with lighted diya’s. Alric and Faye proposed the vote of thanks.
The students were then enlightened about the Coronavirus symptoms, causes and preventions through a power point presentation. The programme ended with an earnest prayer for the victims of COVID-19.