Catholic Sabha Milagres Mangalore distributes fruits & eatables on the occasion of India’s platinum Independence Day Celebration
Mangaluru: The Catholic Sabha Milagres Mangalore organized the celebration of 75th Indian Independence Day at Our Lady of Miracles Church ground. Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth hoisted the Tricolor Flag and spoke about the significance of the day. He delivered a meaningful message saying, we must all pray that, we get independence from this COVID pandemic which has become very dangerous for the growth of our society. While he appreciated the work of Catholic Sabha, he urged that it’s time to improve our humanity and be an example to others.

Catholic Sabha President Mrs. Philomena Ferrao, welcomed the gathering. Parish Council Vice President, Secratary and the office bearers of Catholic Sabha were present for the occasion. Mrs. Slima Pinto compered the program.
Thereafter the office bearers of Catholic Sabha along with Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth visited Fr. Muller’s Hospital and distributed fruits and eatables to the patients of Oncology, Psychiatric and Covid department. Vice President Mr. John Monteiro thanked the Director, Administrator and Nursing superintendent Sr. Janet for giving the opportunity to do this service activity of reaching the needy people. He expressed his gratefulness to all the members of Catholic Sabha for the support and Co-operation for the Independence Day program and service activity.