Mangaluru: A 3 day National Level webinar on “COVID-19: Educator’s Challenges and Responses” was organized by the Departments of Psychology and Clinical Psychology at St. Agnes Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Mangaluru. It was conducted from 15th to 17th June and ended successfully.

The webinar inauguration was presided over by Sr.Dr. Venissa A.C, Principal of St. Agnes College, who delivered a warm message for all the attendees. She spoke of how COVID-19 has changed our lives and how having a positive outlook and practicing self-care can be useful tools in overcoming these difficult times. Dr. V. Premanand, HOD, PG Department of Psychology and convener of this webinar, gave the participants anoverview of the content to be covered.
On Day 1, the firstresource person, Ms. Shruti Rajan Kappil, Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist, addressed on the topic “Changing Negative Thoughts” while Dr. Hithakshi B, HOD &Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, spoke on “Importance of Positive Wellbeing”.
Day 2 began with a session on “Communication with Sensitivity” conducted by Dr. Kavyashree, HOD, PG Dept of Clinical Psychology. This was followed by a session on “Self-Care Practices for Coping with Stress” conducted by Mrs. Deepa Kotari, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology. The final session was on “Psychological Preparedness for Virtual Classroom Teaching and Learning” held by Mrs. Vinatha K, Associate Professor in Psychology.
The final day of the webinar comprised of a session on “Strategies to Cope with Common Reactions to COVID-19” and was taken up by Sr.Dr. Vinora A.C, Coordinator of St. Agnes Centre for PG Studies and Research. It was followed by a session on “Mindful Ways of Being a Teacher” by Dr. V.Premanand, HOD, PG Dept of Psychology. 230 participants from across the country took part in the 3 days webinar. The webinar was compeered and moderated by Ms. Sarah Crasta and Ms. Athena Aranha, Assistant Professors of the Department of Psychology.